Monday, 21 November 2016

100 word Challenge Week 6

Here is the 100 word challenge for this week. The students needed to write a story using the words: however, gingerly, discovered, remarkable, yellow. Have a look at what they came up with!

Monday, 14 November 2016

100 Word Challenge Week 5

Here is Week 5's 100 word challenge. The prompt was "...but where were they going?". Room 4 came up with some very interesting stories for this prompt!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

An apology to parents.....

....for the torture your ears are about to receive.

Today in Room 4 we made a chicken in a cup. This involves using a plastic cup, string and a skewer to create a noise machine that can get quite loud! Tomorrow we are investigating our own changes to the contraption to see what might change in the sound - for example, what happens if we make the string longer? What happens if we use a different size cup?

We learnt a couple of weeks ago that sound is made from vibrations. So what is vibrating in the cup and why on earth is it so loud! Check out some photos of the construction process and a video of the finished product being used!